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UB co-host 9th PGBH-CSO Week Celebration 2021
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The UB Wellness Team.(From left to right) - Mr. Cesar Merencillo, Jr. (NSTP Coordinator), Edralyne Seth B. Besa (Program Chairperson BSPT), Ms. Ivana Lei Rosales (Faculty CPTOT), Ms. June Grace Epe (Program Chairperson BSOT), Dr. Marilou V. Fudalan (Community Extension Services Officer), Ms. Charity Esmero (faculty member College of Arts and Sciences), Atty Gregorio Austral (dean College of Law), Atty Marie Nickie Bolos-Delgado (faculty College of Law)
CET Alumnus Conferred as ASEAN Engineer
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- Category: News & Articles
The College of Engineering and Technology added another accolade to the University’s roster of internationally recognized alumni.
One of its meritorious alumnus, Engr. Alberto R. Tan was approved as a Member of the ASEAN Engineering Register (AER) by the Philippine Technological Council (PTC). He was Conferred as an ASEAN Engineer last July 3, 2021, by the Virtual Conferment Ceremony sponsored
UB VDTALCians Shine in Nat'l Schools Presscon
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- Category: News & Articles
Known for its academic excellence, the University of Bohol - Victoriano D. Tirol Advanced Learning Center shone again in the limelight when two of its students made it to the top five in their respective categories during the last