VDT-ALC, CON bets win UB Personality titles; COC is over-all champion in four years
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- Category: News & Articles
- Created on Tuesday, 26 April 2016 08:48
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MR & MISS UB PERSONALITY 2014 – The reigning UB Personalities Mr. Voltaire Alvin R. Tutor and Miss Nathalla L. Bullecer(center with crowns) with Former Mr UB Personality 2013 Euben Hope Gamutan(left) and Erika Sofia Karcher(right) during the awarding ceremony.
Call it simply as a change of partner in the royal hierarchy when Mr. Voltaire Alvin Tutor of Victoriano D.Tirol –Advanced Learning Center and Miss Nathalla L. Bullecer of the College of Nursing were adjudged Mr and Miss UB Personality 2014. The two reigning personalities succeeded the titles from former Mr UB Personality 2013 Euben Hope Gamutan of the College of Nursing and Miss UB Personality 2013 Erika Sofia Karcher of VDT-ALC.
During the Pageant Night held last Thursday , September 18 at the UB quadrangle nine female and seven male candidates went center stage and showed their best for the night amid the cheers and applauses. Considered as darlings of the crowd, both Voltaire and Nathalla finally got the nod of the judges to claim title to the crowns. Other winners for Mr. UB Personality include Alexis D. Refugio ( University High School)1st runner up,– Lennon S. Digal (Teachers College) 2nd runner up , Narciso Emmanuel C. Villafuerte (College of Hospitality Management Tourism and Nutrition) 3rd runner up and Chris Venson B. Medalle (College of Business and Accountancy) 4th runner up.
Meanwhile, for Miss UB personality other winners include, Cathline Cutamora (College of Business and Accountancy) 1st runner up , Julie Ann C. Palen (VDT-ALC)2nd runner up , Marjorie C. Honculada (College of Liberal Arts) 3rd runner up and Jensie S. Reyes (College of Hospitality Management) 4th runner up. In minor awards, Best in Casual Wear- Mr. Alexis D.Refugio (University High School), Best in Casual Wear- Miss. Nathalla L. Bullecer (College of Nursing), Mr. Body Beautiful- Chris Venson B. Medalle (College of Business and Accountancy), and Miss. Body Beautiful- Cathline Cutamora (College of Business and Accountancy). Best in Formal Wear- Alexis D. Refugio (University High School) and Best in Gown- Marjorie Honculada (College of Liberal Arts).

For special awards, Mr. Photogenic- Chris Venson B. Medalle (College of Business and Accountancy), Miss. Photogenic- Noren G. Del Rosario (Pharmacy), Mr. Friendship- Narciso Emmanuel C. Villafuerte (College of Hospitality Management Tourism and Nutrition), Miss Friendship- Noren G. Del Rosario (Pharmacy), Best in Production Number- Mr. Voltaire Alvin R. Tutor (VDT-ALC) and Julie Ann C. Palen (VDT-ALC), Mr. Teen Fashionista- Alexis D. Refugio (University High School), Miss. Teen Fashionista- Nathalla L. Bullecer (College of Nursing), Mr. Avon- Voltaire Alvin R. Tutor (VDT-ALC), Miss Avon- Cathline Cutamora (College of Business and Accountancy), Mr Mary Kay- Chris Venson B. Medalle (College of Business and Accoutancy), Miss Mary Kay- Nathalla L. Bullecer (College of Nursing), Mr. Picture Perfect- Voltaire Alvin R. Tutor (VDT-ALC), Miss Picture Perfect- Julie Ann C. Palen (VDT-ALC),Mr. Dunkin Donuts- Chris Venson B. Medalle (College of Business and Accountancy), Miss Dunkin Donuts- Julie Ann C. Palen(VDT-ALC), Mr. Smart Texters Choice Award- Voltaire Alvin R. Tutor (VDT-ALC), Miss Smart Texters Choice Award- Julie Ann C. Palen (VDT-ALC), Mr. New Placenta- Lennon S. Digal (Teachers College), Miss. New Placenta- Nathalla L. Bullecer (College of Nursing), Mr. Olive-C - Chris Venson B. Medalle (College of Business and Accountancy), and Miss Olive-C – Cathline Cutamora (College of Business and Accountancy).
This year’s Search for Mr & Miss UB Personality was hosted by Miss Bohol 2014 Quinee Melody Fullante(also Miss UB Personality 2012) and Former Miss UB Personality 2011 Mian Antonette Simporios.
The successful pageant night was made possible through the efforts of Dr. Janice Aurora Tirol as chairman, Engr. Lemue lBelarmino – vice chairman, Mrs. Siarol Divino- assistant to the vice chairman, Mr. Vidal Platino Jr. – choreographer, Mrs. Elma Canuto – external consultant and Dr. Lumin T. Pamaran- internal consultant.

On the same vein, the College of Criminology (COC) successfully defended the over-all championship title of the UB intramurals for four consecutive years. The power-packed COC which is touted as the home of the champions proved its worth when they consistently took the lead from day one to the last day with other teams tailing them. The Victoriano D. Tirol-Advanced Learning Center with dominance in swimming came 1st runner up while the College of Business and Accountancy landed as 2nd runner up.
As tallied per category, the College of Architecture & Fine Arts (CAFA) got 1st place in Academic & Literary followed by VDT-ALC – 2nd and College of Engineering and Technology – 3rd. In Music & Arts, Teachers College- 1st,CAFA -2nd and College of Liberal Arts – 3rd. Sports category, College of Criminology- 1st, VDT-ALC-2nd and College of Business and Accountancy- 3rd. The department who got the most number of gold medals is declared the over-all champion.